Not really sure what this site is about. Links get posted here, maybe some pictures. Maybe some original content every once in a while.

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Oct 5
“The pile of unread books we have on our bedside tables is often referred to as a graveyard of good intentions. The list of unread books on our Kindles is more of a black hole of fleeting intentions.”

Sep 22
“The state is for the recognition, endorsement and protection of rights, which means creating the conditions under which rights can be recognised, endorsed, and protected. When states are absent, rights – by any definition – are impossible to sustain. States are not structures to be taken for granted, exploited or discarded, but are fruits of long and quiet effort. It is tempting but dangerous to gleefully fragment the state from the right or knowingly gaze at the shards from the left. Political thought is neither destruction nor critique, but rather the historically informed imagination of plural structures – a labour of the present that can preserve life and decency in the future.”

Sep 1

Foolish Things

“But the problem runs even deeper: people don’t like to be stopped in their ways. They will devise workarounds, concoct bizarre machinations to just get it running. People who don’t know anything about cryptography. Normal people.

Why not patching out the call to random()? Why not having some guy in a web forum tell you how to use some strange ioctl to increase the entropy counter? Why not switch off ssl altogether?

In the end you just educate your users to do foolish things that compromise your system’s security without you ever knowing about it.”
- Thomas Hühn, Myths about /dev/urandom

Jan 30

Oct 31

It is an Andrew W.K kind of day

Oct 23

Oct 1

Sep 19

May 19
““And everyone has, at some point, met a man like Chanac: those lucky individuals who continually fail upward, who are fired for incompetence or for some abuse of power and instantly find a better job. We ordinary mortals would...


“And everyone has, at some point, met a man like Chanac: those lucky individuals who continually fail upward, who are fired for incompetence or for some abuse of power and instantly find a better job. We ordinary mortals would have wound up in jail or on the street! But these chosen ones rise higher—in politics, business, or even at a sleepy provincial high school.”

—Francine Prose, Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932

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